Jie Chen Ideology in Us Foreign Policy Review

陳玉潔 Yu-Jie Chen

陳玉潔Yu-Jie Chen

Current Appointment

Assistant Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica

Education & Experiences

J.South.D., New York University(2016)
LL.M., New York University(2008)
LL.M., National Chengchi Academy(2005)
LL.B., National Chengchi Academy(2000)

Research Fields

International constabulary, human rights, China, Taiwan, cantankerous-strait relations.

Other Information

Date of First Appointment:07/01/2020

Inquiry Clarification

Dr. Yu-Jie Chen is an Banana Enquiry Professor at Institutum Iurisprudentiae of Academia Sinica and an Affiliated Scholar at the U.S.-Asia Constabulary Institute of NYU Schoolhouse of Law. Her research focuses on human rights and international police and relations, particularly in the context of China, Taiwan and China-Taiwan relations. Her research has developed along four inter-related lines: (i) Prc's disciplinarian political and legal organization; (two) China'southward influence on the international human rights government; (3) human being rights and rule of police force issues in China-Taiwan relations; (four) Taiwan's interaction with international human rights norms. In improver to publishing in academic journals in the U.s., Taiwan, Hong Kong and the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, she also writes op-eds and takes part in public-facing discussions. She tweets as @yujiechentw.
Yu-Jie received her J.Due south.D. and LL.M. degrees from NYU School of Law. She likewise holds an LL.M. and LL.B. from National Chengchi University in Taiwan. She was an countdown Global Academic Beau at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law (2019-2020). She has had extensive experience as a research scholar at the U.Southward.-Asia Law Institute, NYU Schoolhouse of Police force. Prior to that, she served as a researcher and advocate for the not-governmental organisation Human Rights in China. She earlier skilful in the Taipei-based international law business firm Lee and Li.


Periodical Articles

  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2021, "'Authoritarian International Law' in Action? Tribal Politics in the Human Rights Council", Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 54(v), 1203-1255. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈《港版國安法》:香港法治的破洞、人權的缺口〉(The National Security Law for Hong Kong: Infringements of Hong Kong's Rule of Police force and Man Rights),《台灣人權學刊》,5(four), 131-157。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈國際人權公約審查2.0——台灣給世界的啟示〉(Human Rights Treaty Monitoring 2.0: A New Model from Taiwan),《台灣人權學刊》,five(iii), 43-62。 Relevant Links(open up new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, "Communist china'due south Claiming to the International Man Rights Authorities", New York Academy Journal of International Law and Politics, 51, 1179-1222. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Nien-chung Chang-Liao*, Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, "Transitional Justice in Taiwan: Changes and Challenges", Washington International Law Journal, 28(3), 619-644. (ESCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Han-Wei Liu*, Ching-Fu Lin, Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, "Beyond State v Loomis: Artificial Intelligence, Government Algorithmization and Accountability", International Journal of Police and It, 27(2), 122-141. (Scopus, ESCI) Relevant Links(open up new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, 2018, "People's republic of china-Taiwan Repatriation of Criminal Suspects: Room for Human being Rights?", Hong Kong Constabulary Journal, 48(iii), 1029-1066. (SSCI) (IF: 0.5; SSCI ranking: 83.2%) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, 2018, "China-Taiwan Relations Re-examined: The '1992 Consensus' and Cross-strait Agreements", Academy of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review, 14(1), 1-40. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Ching-Fu Lin, Han-Wei Liu, 2018, "'Rule of Trust': The Power and Perils of Cathay's Social Credit Megaproject", Columbia Periodical of Asian Law, 32(1), one-37. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2018, "Localizing Human being Rights Treaty Monitoring: Case Written report of Taiwan as a Non-Un Member", Wisconsin International Police Review, 35(2), 277-325. Relevant Links(open up new window)

Book Chapters

  • Yu-Jie Chen, Po Jen Yap*, to appear, "Communist Regimes", editor(south): Po Jen Yap, Rehan Abeyratne, Routledge Handbook of Asian Parliaments, UK: Routledge.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, to appear, "Human Rights Treaty Monitoring 2.0: Taiwan's Local Innovation and Implications for Global Exercise", editor(southward): Mab Huang and Vivianne Yen-ching Weng, Reinvention by Necessity: Implementation of International Human Rights Treaties in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, to appear, "Freedom from Arbitrary Detention in Asia: Lessons from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong", editor(s): David Law, Holning Lau, Alex Schwartz, Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Asia, UK: Oxford University Printing.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, to appear, "The United states of america, People's republic of china and the Eu at the Un Human Rights Council: Trilateral Dynamics over International Human Rights Norms, Institutions and Politics", editor(s): Chien-Huei Wu, Francesco Giumelli, Frank Gaenssmantel, Multilateralism in Peril: The Uneasy Triangle of the US, EU and Red china, Britain: Routledge.
  • 陳玉潔,2021,〈司法人權觀察——政法系統意識形態化,人權侵害常態制度化〉(Man Rights in the Chinese Administration of Justice: Formalizing Ideology in the Political and Legal System and Institutionalizing and Normalizing Human Rights Abuses),財團法人臺灣民主基金會編,《2020中國人權觀察報告》,頁67-96,臺灣臺北:財團法人臺灣民主基金會。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈司法人權觀察:司法人權侵害制度化,引發國際社會警覺〉(Man Rights in the Chinese Administration of Justice—Institutionalized Human Correct Abuses Heighten Global Concerns),財團法人臺灣民主基金會編,《2019中國人權觀察報告》,頁61-85,臺灣臺北:財團法人臺灣民主基金會。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, "Man Rights in the Chinese Administration of Justice", editor(s): Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, China Man Rights Report 2018, pp. 83-112, Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, "Isolated but Non Oblivious: Taiwan's Credence of the Two Major Human Rights Covenants", editor(s): Jerome A. Cohen, William P. Alford, Chang-fa Lo, Taiwan and International Man Rights: A Story of Transformation, pp. 207-225, New York, USA: Springer. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2019,〈司法人權觀察〉(Human being Rights in the Chinese Administration of Justice),財團法人臺灣民主基金會編,《2018中國人權觀察報告》,頁65-88,臺灣臺北:財團法人臺灣民主基金會。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2013, "Lawyers' Activism and the Expansion of the Right to Counsel in Taiwan", editor(s): Mike McConville, Eva Pils., Comparative Perspectives on Criminal Justice in China, pp. 209-233, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland: Edward Elgar. Relevant Links(open new window)

Conference Papers

  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2020, "'I Prc' Framings in Red china-Taiwan Relations: Fictionality, Fragility and A Stalemate", newspaper presented at I China Framework and Globe Politics Workshop, Online: Georgia Institute of Technology, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, 2020-09-eighteen ~ 2020-09-25.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, "China and International Human Rights: Police force, Politics and Global Governance", paper presented at Communist china's Legal Construction Program at 40 Years: Towards an Autonomous Legal System?, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University of Michigan Law School and Lieberthal Rogel Middle for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan, 2019-10-11 ~ 2019-ten-13.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, "China's Challenge to the International Human Rights Regime", paper presented at Law and Order Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA: Law and Society Association, 2019-05-30 ~ 2019-06-02.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, "Prc's Challenge to the International Human Rights Regime", newspaper presented at China Law Works-in-Progress Workshop of the Eye for Chinese Legal Studies, New York, U.s.: Columbia Law School, 2019-05-xiv.
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, 2019, "China-Taiwan Relations Re-examined: The '92 Consensus' and Cross-strait Agreements", paper presented at Association for Asian Studies 2019 Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, U.s.: Clan for Asian Studies, 2019-03-21 ~ 2019-03-24.
  • 陳玉潔,2019,〈國際人權體系面臨的中國挑戰〉(China's Challenge to the International Human Rights Regime),發表於博士後研究學者陳玉潔博士個人年度學術研討會,臺灣臺北:中研院法律所,2019-01-22。
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2018, "Human Rights under Attack: China's Activism, America's Withdrawal and the EU'due south Struggle at the Homo Rights Council", paper presented at Multilateralism at Peril: The Uneasy Triangle of EU, Us and Red china, Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 2018-xi-05 ~ 2018-11-06.
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, 2018, "People's republic of china-Taiwan Relations Re-examined: The '92 Consensus' and Cross-strait Agreements", paper presented at Taiwan and the World in Transition: Opportunities and Challenges, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA: Kennesaw Country Academy, 2018-11-09 ~ 2018-11-xi.
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, 2018, "China-Taiwan Relations Re-examined: The '92 Consensus' and Cross-strait Agreements", paper presented at Almanac Convention of the World Congress of Taiwan Studies, Taipei, Taiwan: Academia Sinica, 2018-09-06 ~ 2018-09-08.
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Ching-Fu Lin, Han-Wei Liu, 2018, "Artificial Intelligence and Social Control in China: Powers and Perils", paper presented at Information Ethics Roundtable, Annual Conference, Academy of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark: Information Ideals Roundtable, 2018-05-17 ~ 2018-05-xviii.


  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2022, "Freedom Cry: The View from Taiwan", Australian Foreign Diplomacy, 14, 66-83. Relevant Links(open up new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2021,〈有「威權國際人權法」這種東西嗎?談國際人權體系中之「中國因素」〉(Is There Such a Matter as "Disciplinarian International Human Rights Law"? On the "China Gene" in the International Human Rights Regime),《中研院訊》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2021,〈在臺灣研究中國法是否搞錯了什麼〉(Does It Fifty-fifty Make Sense to Study Chinese Law in Taiwan?),《研之得法─中央研究院法律學研究所成立十週年文集》。 Relevant Links(open up new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2021, "Must Taiwan Remain Invisible for the Next 50 Years?", The Diplomat. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2021, "Will Beijing Invade Taiwan? A ChinaFile Conversation", ChinaFile. Relevant Links(open up new window)
  • 陳玉潔*、灰箭,2021,〈大逮捕之後,香港人權法律戰〉(Mass Arrests in Hong Kong: The Legal Battle for Human Rights),《蘋果日報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈《港版國安法》評論系列:結語與初步展望〉(Cathay'southward National Security Law for Hong Kong (V): Determination and Immediate Prospects),《中央研究院法律學研究所網站(同時刊載於風傳媒)》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈港版國安法評論系列(四)管轄篇:長臂管轄,域外效力遍及全球〉(Cathay's National Security Law for Hong Kong (Four): Jurisdiction — Expanding Long-arm Jurisdiction Worldwide),《中央研究院法律學研究所網站(同時刊載於風傳媒)》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈港版國安法評論系列(三)罪名篇:包山包海,違反國際基本人權〉(China's National Security Law for Hong Kong (Iii): Criminal Offenses — Violating Fundamental International Human being Rights),《中央研究院法律學研究所網站(同時刊載於風傳媒)》。 Relevant Links(open up new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈港版國安法評論系列(二)程序篇:繞道而行,破壞香港司法獨立〉(China's National Security Police force for Hong Kong (II): Criminal Procedures — Undermining Hong Kong's Judicial Independence),《中央研究院法律學研究所網站(同時刊載於風傳媒)》。 Relevant Links(open new window)


  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2016, "Socialization in Isolation: Taiwan'due south Do of Man Rights Treaties equally a Non-United nations Member State", 318 pages.

Book Review

  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2021, "Review of 'The Trouble with Taiwan: History, the Us and a Ascension China'", The Journal of Asian Studies, 80(1), 172-173. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2019,〈秋菊與雪蓮尋求正義之路〉(The Journey of Justice for Qiu Ju and Xue Lian (Review of 'The Story of Qiu Ju' and 'I am non Madame Bovary')),《台灣人權學刊》,5(1), 227-234。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2019,〈中國刑辯律師——法治與不自由體制之博奕?〉(Criminal Defense Lawyers in China: Struggling for Rule of Law Against an Illiberal Government? (Review of 'Criminal Defense in China: The Politics of Lawyers at Work')),《臺灣民主季刊》,xvi(1), 171-178。 Relevant Links(open new window)


Source: https://www.iias.sinica.edu.tw/en/member_post/1109?class=12

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