Grocery List 17 Day Diet

Note 1 :
The posting of this grocery shopping list and its contents have been approved by Dr. Mike.

Note 2:

The foods listed in your book under the Cultural Exceptions chapter are substitutions which can slow your weightloss down.  Unless you will walk away and not try this diet without them, they are not to be used (per Dr. Mike on 1/16/2013).  Use only the foods listed in the chapters for Cycles 1, 2, and 3.

The information below is available from me via email

(click on the word "email" above for the email address)

Please note that items in red are not part of the Food Lists for the chapters indicated, but are allowed. However, they


 slow your weightloss down, stall it, or cause weight gain.

Cycle 1
Liberal amounts of lean protein (no red meat or pork) & cleansing veggies
No starchy foods: potatoes, legumes, brown rice, oatmeal, corn
No red meat, pork, certain fish
No fruit after 2 pm

Cycle 2
Cycle 1 foods are allowed at any time during either cycle of this alternating-day cycle.
Cycle 2 alternates C1 foods and C2 foods one day to the next
Cycle 2 adds foods every other day from the Cycle 2 foods list.
Adds different meats (pork, lean red meats; additional fish)
Adds 2 servings of natural starches (carbs)
Adds 1 serving friendly fat (down from 2)
NO starches AFTER 2 PM!

Cycle 3
This cycle allows foods from all food lists on any day during this cycle.
This cycle is about PORTION CONTROL!
Fish, poultry, chicken, meat portions should be the size of average kitchen sponge.

The number before the food item is the first cycle you are allowed to eat this food.

The following categories are sorted by cycle within each category.

Note: There is no such thing as sugar-free yogurt. Look for no sugar added yogurts.
1   Cheese, Cottage: Breakstone LiveActive/Probiotic: 1/2 cup
1   Kefir - Lifeway: 1 cup
1   Kefir - Trader Joe's (lowfat): 1 cup
1   Kimchi: 1/2 cup
1   Milk: Acidophilus, low-fat: 1 cup
1   Miso, reduced salt dissolved in LF/LowSodium broth: 1 Tbsp
1   Sauerkraut: 1/2 cup
1   Tempeh: 4 oz
1   Yakult: Btl 50 cal
1   Yogurt, Fruit flavored no sugar added: 6 ozs
1   Yogurt, Greek no sugar added: 6 ozs
1   Yogurt, Low fat, no sugar added: 6 ozs
1   Yogurt, Plain, no sugar added (used Mountain High Lowfat): 6 ozs

DAIRY SUBSTITUTES These are not probiotic, please note!
3   Milk, Almond, sugar-free: 1 cup
3   Milk, Low-fat, including skim: 1 cup
3   Milk, rice, sugar-free: 1 cup
3   Milk, Soy, sugar-free: 1 cup
3   Milk: Unsweetened almond: 1 cup

CHEESES - SOME cheeses are probiotic and can be used as such in C3.

Look for "organic," "probiotic," "live active cultured," or "made from raw milk" on the label for these.

HEATING probiotics kills the probiotics off, so make sure your probiotics are not cooked/baked/fried/etc.

1   Cheese, Fat-free (See Condiments for info): 1 Tbsp

3   Cheese, Brie, low-cal: 2 oz

3   Cheese, Camembert, low-cal: 2 oz

3   Cheese, Cheddar, low-cal/low-fat: 2 oz

3   Cheese, Cottage, low fat: 1/2 cup

3   Cheese, Feta, low-cal: 2 oz

3   Cheese, Fontina, low-cal: 2 oz

3   Cheese, Goat, low-cal: 2 oz

3   Cheese, Limburger, low-cal: 2 oz

3   Cheese, Mozzarella, part skim: 2 oz

3   Cheese, Ricotta, low fat: 1/2 cup

FRIENDLY FATS : 1-2 Tbsp per day
1   Olive oil or Flaxseed oil: 1 Tbsp
3   Avocado: 1/4 large
3   Canola oil: 1 Tbsp
3   Margarine, Reduced-calorie: 2 Tbsp
3   Margarine, Trans-free: 1 Tbsp
3   Mayonnaise: 1 Tbsp
3   Mayonnaise, Light: 2 Tbsp
3   Nuts or seeds, unoiled: 2 Tbsp
3   Salad dressing, reduced-fat salad: 2 Tbsp
3   Salad dressings: 1 Tbsp
3   Walnut oil: 1 Tbsp

CONDIMENTS : In moderation (1-2 Tbsp only)
1   Agave Nectar (occasional use only): 2 Tbsp
1   Broth, low-fat, low-sodium: 1 cup
1   Cheese, Parm (this is our Group's add): 2 Tbsp
1   Cheeses, fat-free: 2 Tbsp
1   Flaxseed Meal [Occasional use]: 2 Tbsp
1   Jams/Jellies, sugar-free: 2 Tbsp
1   Ketchup, low-carb: 1 Tbsp
1   Marinara sauce, low-carb (Costco): 1/2 cup
1   Marinara sauce, low-carb (Trader Joe's): 1/2 cup
1   Mustard, yellow: in Mod./1 tsp
1   Pepper: in Mod./1 tsp
1   Salad dressing, fat-free: 2 Tbsp
1   Salsa: 1/2 cup
1   Salt: in Mod./1 tsp
1   Sour cream, fat-free: 2 Tbsp
1   Soy sauce, lite: 2 Tbsp
1   Stevia  -TraderJoe (this is our addition, for comparison): 2 tsp
1   Stevia in the Raw Cup for Cup (Brand=Group's addition): 2 tsp
1   Truvia sweetner (Stevia also): 2 tsp
1   Vegetable cooking spray: 3 sprays
1   Vinegar: in Mod./1 Tbsp
2   Almond Paste [Occasional use only]: 2 Tbsp
2   Protein Powder [See Guidelines below]: 1 scoop

ADDITIONAL SNACKS  (Under 100 calories)
2   Protein Powder: [See Guidelines below]: 1 scoop
3   Babybell low-fat cheese: 2 disks
3   Frozen fruit bar: 1 bar
3   Fudgsicle: 100 cal
3   Granola bar, reduced sugar & fat: 1 bar
3   Jello: sugar-free, fat-free: 1/2 cup svg
3   Popcorn, microwave, light: 4 cups
3   Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich (this has added sugar): 1 bar
3   String cheese: 1 stick
3   Sugar-free pudding: 1 cup


3   Wine. This WILL SLOW DOWN your losses per Dr. Mike: 5 oz

4   Beer: 12 oz

4   Liquor, hard: 1 1/2 oz

4   Soups, broth based (cream or milk based soups not allowed)

4   Wine: 5 oz

FISH (unlimited):
Opt for wild-caught fish rather than farm-raised which may have antibiotics. Avoid bigger fish (swordfish, shark, king mackarel, albacore) due to mercury.
1   Canned light tuna in water: 5 oz can
1   Catfish: 4 oz
1   Flounder: 4 oz
1   Salmon: 4 oz
1   Sole: 4 oz
1   Tilapia: 3 oz
2   Clams: 3 oz
2   Crab: 3 oz
2   Mussels, steamed: 4 oz
2   Oysters: 6 medium
2   Scallops: 4 oz
2   Shrimp: 4 oz

POULTRY (Unlimited)
Egg limitations: 2 whole eggs per day; if there's a cholesterol problem, then limit your WEEKLY whole eggs to 4/week.  Egg whites are unlimited.
1   Chicken breasts: 4 oz
1   Egg whites (4 egg whites = 1 svg) from whole egg: 4 whites
1   Egg whites, liquid, from carton: 3 Tbsp
1   Egg, Liquid (Eggbeaters): 1/4 cup
1   Egg, whole (know limitations if they apply to you): 2 Large
1   Turkey breasts: 4 oz
1   Turkey, ground, lean: 4 oz
1   Turkey, ground, x-lean: 4 oz
3   Bacon, Canadian: 1 slice
3   Bacon, turkey, reduced-fat: .5 oz/1 serving
3   Cornish Hen: 1 breast
3   Lunch meat, reduced fat: 1 slice
3   Pheasant Breast: 4 oz
3   Quail: 3.5 oz
3   Sausage, reduced-fat: 2 oz

LEAN CUTS OF MEAT (unlimited):C2 days of C2 or any time on C3
2   Beef Round Tip, lean only: 4 oz
2   Beef Top Loin: 4 oz
2   Beef Top Sirloin: 4 oz
2   Beef, ground, lean  85% lean: 4 oz
2   Beef, ground, lean 95% lean: 4 oz
2   Eye of the Round: 5 oz
2   Flank Steak: 4 oz
2   Lamb shanks: 1 piece
2   Lamb sirloin roast: 4 oz
2   London Broil: 4 oz
2   Pork boneless loin roast: 4 oz
2   Pork sirloin chops: 4 oz
2   Pork Tenderloin: 4 oz
2   Pork top/center loin chops: 4 oz
2   Top Round: 4 oz
2   Top Sirloin Steak: 4 oz
2   Veal cutlet: 4 oz

1   Artichoke hearts: 2 hearts
1   Artichokes: 1 whole
1   Asparagus: 10 spears
1   Beet greens: 1 cup
1   Bell peppers: 1 medium
1   Broccoli: 1 cup
1   Brussels sprouts: 1 cup
1   Cabbage: 1 cup
1   Carrots: 1 cup
1   Cauliflower, cooked: 1 cup
1   Cauliflower, raw: 1 cup
1   Celery: 4 stalks
1   Collard greens: 1 cup
1   Cucumbers (estimated 1 cup): 1 large
1   Eggplant: 1 cup
1   Garlic, fresh: 1 clove
1   Garlic, powdered: 1 Tbsp
1   Green beans: 1 cup
1   Green leafy vegetables: 1 cup
1   Kale: 1 cup
1   Leeks: 1 cup
1   Lettuce (all kinds, but darker is better) Romaine: 1 cup
1   Mushrooms: 1 cup
1   Okra: 1 cup
1   Onions: 1 cup
1   Parsley: 1/2 cup
1   Scallions: 1/2 cup
1   Spinach: 1 cup
1   Tomatoes: 1 large
1   Turnip greens: 1 cup
1   Watercress: 1 cup
3   Alfalfa: 1 cup
3   Broccoli sprouts: 1 cup
3   Cactus, edible (nopales): 1 cup
3   Chilies
3   Cilantro: 2 Tbsp
3   Fennel: 1 Tbsp
3   Grape leaves: 3 leaves; 1/4 C
3   Jicama: 1/2 cup
3   Kelp: 1 cup
3   Kohlrabi: 1 cup
3   Nopales (edible cactus): 1 cup
3   Pea pods (snow peas): 1/2 cup
3   Radishes: 1/2 cup
3   Rhubarb: 1 cup
3   Rutabaga: 1 cup
3   Seaweed, edible: 1/2 cup
3   Summer squash (zucchini etc.): 1 cup
3   Swiss chard: 1 cup
3   Virtually any vegetable: 1 cup
3   Yellow wax beans: 1 cup
3   Zucchini: 1 medium

(2 servings per day, by 2 pm/8 hours before bed in C2; C3 you may choose to eat starches after 2 pm if you want)
Measurements are cooked, not dry! In most cases, the dry measurement is 1/2 of the cooked measurement.

These are listed by Cycle, then by Type of Starch.
2   Beans, black: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Beans, butter: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Beans, garbanzo: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Beans, Great Northern: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Beans, kidney: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Beans, lima, baby: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Beans, Navy: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Beans, pinto: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Beans, soy [Edamame]: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Chickpeas: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Edamame: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Garbanzo beans: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Lentils: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Peas: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Peas, black-eyed: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Peas, split: Legumes: 1/2 cup
2   Amaranth (grain): Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Barley, pearled: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Bulgur: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Couscous: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Cream of wheat: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Grits: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Millet: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Oat bran: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Oatmeal, old-fashioned: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Quinoa: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Rice, basmati, whole grain: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Rice, brown: Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Rice, longer grain (ie Basmati): Natural Starch: 1/2 cup
2   Whole Wheat Flour: Natural Starch: 1 Tbsp
2   Breadfruit: Starchy Veggies: 1 cup
2   Corn: Starchy Veggies: 1/2 cup
2   Potato: Starchy Veggies: 1 medium
2   Potato, sweet: Starchy Veggies: 1 medium
2   Squash, Acorn: Starchy Veggies: 1 cup
2   Squash, Butternut: Starchy Veggies: 1 cup
2   Squash, spaghetti: Starchy Veggies: 1 cup
2   Taro: Starchy Veggies: 1/2 cup
2   Winter squashes: Starchy Veggies: 1 cup
2   Yams: Starchy Veggies: 1 medium
3   Bagel, Whole grain: Bread: 1/2 ea
3   Cracked wheat: Bread: 1 slice
3   Fiber-enriched bread: Bread: 1 slice
3   Gluten-free bread: Bread: 1 slice
3   Multi-grain bread: Bread: 1 slice
3   Oat bran bread: Bread: 1 slice
3   Pita bread, Whole Wheat: Bread: 1 pocket
3   Pumpernickel: Bread: 1 slice
3   Rye bread: Bread: 1 slice
3   Sugar-free bread: Bread: 1 slice
3   Tortilla, Whole wheat, 10": Bread: 1 Tortilla
3   All-Bran Buds cereal: High Fiber Cereal: 1 cup
3   All-Bran cereal: High Fiber Cereal: 1 cup
3   All-Bran Extra cereal: High Fiber Cereal: 1 cup
3   Fiber One Original cereal: High Fiber Cereal: 1 cup
3   Gluten-free cold cereals: High Fiber Cereal: 1 cup
3   Granola, Low-sugar: High Fiber Cereal: 1/2 cup
3   Gluten-free pasta: Pasta: 1/2 cup
3   High-fiber pasta: Pasta: 1/2 cup
3   Udon noodles: Pasta: 1/2 cup
3   Vegetable-based pasta: Pasta: 1/2 cup
3   Whole wheat pasta: Pasta: 1/2 cup

FRUITS (2 servings per day, before 2 pm/8 hours before bed)
1   Apples: 1 medium
1   Berries, all types fresh: 1 cup
1   Cactus, prickly pear: 1 medium
1   Cuties / Clementines (a form of mandarin orange): 2 cuties
1   Grapefruit: 1/2
1   Oranges: 1 medium
1   Peaches: 1 cup
1   Pears: 1 medium
1   Plums: 1 medium
1   Prickly pear cactus: 1 medium
1   Prunes: 5 individual
1   Red Grapes: 1 cup
3   Apricots: 1 medium
3   Bananas: 1 medium
3   Cherries: 1 cup
3   Currants: 1 cup
3   Figs: 1 large
3   Guava: 1 medium
3   Kiwi: 1 cup
3   Kumquats: 1 medium
3   Mango: 1 medium
3   Papaya: 1 medium
3   Pineapple: 1 cup
3   Pomegranate: 1 medium
3   Tangelo: 1 medium
3   Tangerine: 1 medium
3   Virtually any fresh fruit!: 1 medium
4   Juice, fruit (use for 1 fruit only) can be used as marinade (C1-C4): 3/4 cup
4   Juice, Vegetable (use as Snack only) can be used as marinade C1-4: 1 cup

(from Dr. Mike in January 2013)

  1. NOT to be used as a meal replacement, but to augment snacks, etc.
  2. NO sugar added! Read the list of ingredients and know what other names sugar is known by.
  3. Sugar grams should be 2g per 140 calorie scoop or less
  4. No disallowed items such as oats (C2 item), sugar (disallowed), or buttermilk (C3 item).  Jillian Michaels has all three of these, so I would probably avoid hers at all costs.


  1. Per May 2011 webcast, it's ok to freeze regular store-bought yogurt.  However, Dr. Mike is researching this further (but research posted to a couple of FB groups indicate that freezing DOES stop the probiotics working HOWEVER when warmed up in your stomach, the probiotics continue to grow.
  2. Per May 2011 webcast, Dr. Mike said "caffeine IS absolutely allowed." The book also states this.
  3. Green tea 3 times a day! It does not have to be with meals.
  4. Morning Drink of 8 ozs water and juice of 1/2 lemon (or 1.5 teaspoons bottled lemon juice). This does NOT have to be with hot water--any temperature water is fine.

Updated 12/10/2013

Grocery List 17 Day Diet


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